Spiriva Generic

Spiriva Generic is used within the patients, suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma symptoms. The main symptom of COPD is breathing disorder, which occurs because of the fact that the lungs of the patient begin to collapse and a lot of mucus is secreted in the human’s airways, which leads to the blockage of the lungs and the occurrence of the problems with breathing. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes such conditions as asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. In the case of COPD, the patients usually have the following symptoms: respiratory infections, severe cough with mucus, wheezing, a strong feeling of fatigue, dyspnea. Within people who smoke, the risk of the development of COPD is increased dramatically. In general, within the patients with COPD, the main reasons for the development of the disease are smoking, having contacts with irritants, such as chemical vapors and too sharp smells, dust, air pollution. COPD is the cause of a huge number of deaths all over the world. More than 200 million people suffer from COPD throughout the world, according to the statistics.
Unfortunately, the patients can not completely recover from COPD, as there is no complete treatment for this disease. But the symptoms of COPD can be controlled and prevented with the help of the right drugs, prescribed by the doctor (steroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, inhalers).
Tiotropium bromide, the active substance Spiriva, acts in such a way that it inhibits M3 receptors, which have the ability to cause bronchitis.
The drug Spiriva is available in the form of capsules that contain Tiotropium bromide in the form of powder combined with lactose monohydrate.
To exhale the powder in the capsules, a special HandiHaler device should be taken.
Before taking the medication Spiriva, a patient should consult the doctor and make sure that this medication is safe for him. Possible side effects that may occur after taking the drug: pain during urination, chest pain and breathing problems, vision problems, white spots and ulcers in the mouth and throat, rapid heart rate and others. It is necessary to discuss with the doctor all possible side effects. If a patient noticed a worsening of the symptoms of asthma and any side effects, it is necessary to seek medical help. It is forbidden to take this medication in the case if the patient is allergic to the drug and any of the drug’s components.
The drug Spiriva is available in the forms of Advair and Seretide (salmeterol and fluticasone), which are manufactured by the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. It is spread around the world and is widely used among the patients suffering from COPD and asthma. The drugs Seretide and Advair compete with other drugs intended for the treatment of COPD and asthma, which are manufactured by other pharmaceutical companies and fill up the drug market.
There is also a drug that is well known in the market of asthma medications. It is a drug Spiolto, which reaches its heights in the drug market and competes with Spiriva.
For the compensation of the reduction of the drug Spiriva in the drug market, the pharmaceutical company Boehringer has produced other medications against asthma and COPD. So a wide range of the medications is created for the people, suffering from COPD, and they have a possibility to live a normal life with their disease, taking the medications, appropriate for them, thus having a control over their disease symptoms.