
The drug Vilanterol is a medicine widely used among people with COPD and asthma. It belongs to the group of beta-adrenergic agonists and includes the active substance vilanterolum. It is an inhaled medication that is prescribed for bronchodilator therapy and control of asthma and COPD symptoms. Vilanterol comes with a special inhaler.

Drug’s Action

Vilanterol is a long-acting medicine. It should be taken long-term to experience improvement in asthma symptoms. It is not intended to suppress an acute attack of asthma, so it is usually prescribed along with other drugs.

The components of Vilanterol, a long-acting m-anticholinergic antagonist and a long-acting beta2-adrenergic agonist, have different modes of action and affect the state of the respiratory tract. They are able to relax the muscles of the bronchi and open up the airways, which helps to improve the breathing process and help more oxygen to enter the lungs. Thus, Vilanterol has a relaxing and bronchodilatory effect aimed at controlling and relieving the symptoms of asthma and COPD.


The drug is contraindicated to children and adolescents under the age of 18, as well as people who are allergic to milk protein and are highly sensitive to any components that make up this medication.

Vilanterol comes in the form of a metered dose inhalation powder. It is taken with an inhaler. One inhaler contains 30 doses of medication.

It is recommended to make one inhalation once a day in the morning or in the evening with the same interval of time. The exact recommendations for the use of the drug are set out in the instructions, which are issued in the package with the medicine. You should follow all of your healthcare provider's recommendations regarding your treatment of asthma and COPD symptoms and the use of your prescribed medications.

Carefully read the instructions for use of the inhaler. It is an inhalation device. Do not take it apart, as well as try to wash it, or let other people use it. Store your inhaler in a safe, dry place out of the reach of children. Make sure to fill the inhaler on time and try to get a new prescription from your doctor or pharmacist ahead of time to fill the inhaler with the drug.

If the drug gets into your eyes while inhaling and damages your eyesight, then rinse them with water immediately. If this does not help and your vision has not recovered, then you should contact a doctor.

Side Effects

The use of Vilanterol can cause some side effects. They include the following: taste disturbance, anxiety, heart palpitations, sore throat, cough, dry mouth, muscle pain, rash, urinary problems. This list of adverse reactions is not complete. If you want to know the complete information about the medication, then you should ask your doctor. If you, while taking Vilanterol, begin feeling any negative symptoms, then you should consult your doctor.

Tell your doctor if your medication does not work, or if you need more inhalations to have a positive effect. Do not change your medication dosage yourself without asking your doctor. Never stop taking this medicine without getting medical advice. This can harm your treatment and worsen your asthma and COPD symptoms. Do not use Vilanterol to suppress an asthma attack. For this, other medications should be used.

Before using the drug, tell your doctor about all the medicines you are taking, including prescription and non-prescription drugs. Inform the doctor if you plan to become pregnant, are pregnant or breastfeeding.