HFA Inhaler

People suffering from asthma or COPD usually use HFA (hydrofluoroalkane) inhalers in order to relieve the disease symptoms. When considering using an inhaler, before making a right choice, it is necessary to consult a doctor and get his recommendations and prescriptions. Only a doctor can help you to choose an appropriate inhaler, which is good for you and which action will help in your individual case. Your doctor should show you the method of application of the inhaler, so that you could use it in a right way. You must be sure, that you use it correctly. You should also decide, whether your HFA inhaler needs to be applied with a holding chamber. The holding chamber helps to hold the medication inside the inhaler. It also helps you to make slow breaths in and to get the right amount of the drug during the inhalations.
Choosing your own inhaler is a very important step. There are several HFA inhalers with their advantages and disadvantages, so when choosing the right one, it is recommended to find out the information about the actions and functions of each of them. Also try to find information about the prices of the inhalers, as they are different. Read the instructions for use. Together with your doctor you need to discuss your treatment plan and the ways of achieving the best desired result. You should clearly know the appropriate dosage of the medication, prescribed to you, and always monitor your health state. It is important, that if you observe any negative symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately or seek medical help. Make sure that the medication works well and helps you. Do not use the medication too often. Try to control your symptoms and keep the disease (asthma and COPD) under your control. When you receive a prescription for a new HFA inhaler from your doctor, you need to discuss with your doctor your health state, the way you feel and the symptoms you are experiencing.
You should also discuss with your doctor the frequency of using the inhaler. If you suffer from asthma, then you should take a relief medicine as soon as you feel the first signs and symptoms of the disease. If you have any physical activity or you go in for sports, so the doctor can recommend you to take the medicine immediately before the planned trainings.
It is very important and necessary always to have and carry with you a fast-acting inhaler. It does not need to be used constantly and very often. You should know, that in the case of asthma, using a fast-acting inhaler for a day more than twice a week, or for two nights per one month, so your illness is very difficult to be controlled and monitored. In this case, it is necessary to consult your doctor.
Nowadays, there are different ways to treat asthma and asthma symptoms. They include different types of bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids, immunotherapy with an allergen and other medications. You can successfully control the disease when following all your doctor's recommendations.
If you use a HFA inhaler, take care of it. Keep it at room temperature in a dry dark place. If you always carry it with you, keep it in a special bag. It must be cleaned regularly. At least once per week wash the inhaler mouthpiece to prevent its clogging or damaging. If you have just bought an HFA inhaler, you must fill it with a medicine, in accordance with the doctor's prescription. It is necessary to count the number of inhalations you’ve had in order to know exactly the time when the inhaler should be refilled.