Breo vs Pulmicort

Breo vs Pulmicort

What to choose Breo or Pulmicort

Breo and Pulmicort are inhalers both of Rescue type. Breo and Pulmicort are both brand inhalers. Breo is manufactured by pharmaceutical company GSK, while Pulmicort is manufactured by AstraZeneca. The main substance of Breo is Vilanterol. The available dosages for Breo are 100/25, 200/25. The main substance of Pulmicort is Budesonide. The available dosages for Pulmicort are 180 mcg, 90 mcg.

The actual price for Breo is roughly $145 per inhaler while current cost for Pulmicort is approximately $281 per inhaler, said Kiaan Brown, an Instructor at the Union University and a Medical Assistant at a clinic that uses Breo and Pulmicort.

Breo and Pulmicort Comparison

Pulmicort vs Breo
Breo Pulmicort
Type: Rescue Rescue
Manufacturer: GSK AstraZeneca
Substance: Vilanterol Budesonide
Dosage: 100/25, 200/25 180 mcg, 90 mcg
Avg Price: $145 $281